Sweet corn soup recipe – The soup made from corn is so versatile that you can add almost any vegetables/ingredients along with corn in soup and make different varieties of corn soup. Thus there are hundreds of variations of sweetcorn soup. Chinese have their own way of making sweetcorn soup called yumigeng. Also Tibetians cook their own sweetcorn soup called Ashom Tang.
I am still not sure of the origin of sweetcorn soup. The wikipedia page of Maize indicates that the corns were first cultivated in Mexico. The Mayans (one who told the world will end in 2012, but we are still here isn’t it) were the first one to cultivate this crop around 10,000 years ago!
Whatever might be the origin of sweetcorn soup, I am glad they did cos I love this soup. In India people normally go in restaurant and order their soup like “One Sweet Corn Soup, One By Two”! 😀 I love this and say the same way at home also!
This veg sweetcorn soup is healthy and delicious. We have used so many different vegetables in this soup. You can always add different vegetables as per your need and availability. If certain vegges aren’t available in market don’t worry replace it with something else.
This easy sweet corn soup recipe does not require vegetable stock. Normally while making sweet corn soup we add vegetable stock. However here we are boiling all the vegetables first that will create a vegetable stock. So instead of using boiled vegetables we are boiling the vegetables and creating our own vegetable stock.
Let’s get started with tasty sweet corn soup recipe.
Step by step Sweet Corn Soup Recipe
1. Finely chop all the vegetables: carrot, green beans, cauliflower and spring onion greens. Make sure you dice the veges as small as possible. You won’t like big piece of vegetables in your soup.
2. Now take some water in a pan and boil the chopped carrot. Carrot takes some time to boil so we started with them first. Let them boil for around a couple of minutes. Now add all remaining chopped vegetables: cauliflower, green beans and spring onion green. Let them nicely cook in the pan. While these vegetables are boiling they make their own vegetable stock. The sweetcorn soup needs some vegetable stock in order to get into right consistency. Here instead of using ready made vegetable stock we are making fresh one using boiling vegetables.
3. Take around 2/3 of sweetcorn kernels in a blender and blend it into fine paste. Add this sweetcorn paste along with other 1/3 whole sweetcorn kernels in the soup. Let it simmer for some time.
4. Add all seasoning ingredients into our sweetcorn soup: sugar, salt and white pepper powder (optional). Also add chopped spring onion greens into the soup and mix well. Once the soup is boiled, add corn starch paste to thicken the soup.
Sweet corn soup is ready to serve. Garnish it with some chopped carrot and spring onions and serve hot.
- Sweet corn kernels: 1 1/2 cup, boiled
- Carrot : 1/2 cup, finely chopped
- Green Beans: 1/2 cup, finely chopped
- Cauliflower: 1/2 cup, finely chopped
- Spring onion greens: 1/4 cup, finely chopped
- Corn starch: 1 tbsp
- White pepper powder: 1 tsp, optional
- Sugar: 1 tbsp
- Water: 4 cups
- Salt: to taste
- Finely chop carrot, green beans, cauliflower and spring onion.
- Take some water in a pan and add chopped carrot and let it cook for 2 minutes.
- Add green beans and cauliflower. Cook until the vegetables soften.
- Take 1 cup of boiled sweetcorn kernels and blend it in a blender.
- Add the sweetcorn kernel paste along with whole sweetcorn kernels to the soup and let it simmer for some time.
- Now season the soup with sugar, salt and white pepper powder (optional).
- Also add the chopped greens of spring onion to the soup.
- Mix a tablespoon of corn starch in water and make a paste.
- Add this corn starch water to sweetcorn soup and mix it well. Sweetcorn soup is ready.
Simply fantastic.
I never imagined that making this soup is so easy.
Thank you very much for sharing.
Delicous corn sopu lovely mouth watering soup!!!!+
What a wonderful soup marsha allah!
I love the sweetness of corn. Thank you for sharingthis recipe.