Making Ghee from Butter or learn how to make Ghee from Unsalted Butter at home – Ease step by step recipe of making Ghee or Clarified butter at Home with unsalted butter.
The recipe that I am sharing today is one of most basic recipe with just “one” ingredient. Yes, you read that right. Making Ghee at home is really easy if you have unsalted butter. I will show you how to make ghee with just butter and no other ingredient. Also the process is straight forward and it does not stink either 🙂
Making ghee at home is not something new. Ghee has been made in Indian homes since centuries. In my home, my mom always prepared ghee from milk. We used to get raw cow milk from gowala (milkman). This milk is rich in fat and cannot be consumed raw. So my mom used to preheat the milk. From this milk we get lots of malai or cream. This cream can be preserved in refrigerator and use in making ghee. This is traditional method of making ghee from fresh cream. Traditionally Cow’s milk has been used in making clarified butter. And the ghee made from Cow’s milk is known as Desi Ghee.
But nowadays, pasteurized milk has taken place of raw milk. It is even difficult to get the gowala who can supply such milk. Also in some countries selling of raw milk is banned! You will definitely find ghee in Indian grocery stores. But they are very costly. Why to spend too much money on ready made stuff when you can make it at home in no time?
Check other cooking basic recipes:
Let me share this simple recipe of ghee from butter. Nowadays unsalted butter is easily available in superstores. You can make almost equal quantity of ghee from butter. This recipe is specially for those who are living abroad and miss the fresh ghee 🙂
Note: You can also make ghee from butter in microwave.
Step by step process of Making Ghee from Butter at Home
I have taken 500 grams of unsalted butter to make ghee. That’s the only ingredient needed to make delicious home made ghee.
Take the heavy bottom sauce pan or simple pan and heat the butter cubes. Keep the flame to low til the butter melts completely.
Once the butter melts completely increase the flame to medium. Slowly you can see white foam forming on top of the butter.
Then you can see the thick foam forming on the surface. Keep stirring until your butter starts to simmer, at which point you’ll want to turn the heat down to medium-low.
Next stage you can see the bubble coming from the thick foam. Slowly the bubble will increase and the foam will start to decrease gradually and the bubble gets bigger and clear.
Now the milk solid start to curdle and settles to the bottom. Notice that your butter is beginning to clear up. It will get more and more translucent.
Then you can see that foam will completely disappear and the butter will take a nice golden color and the milk solids settles at the bottom and begin to brown. Turn off the gas and remove the pan.
Butter is ready to strain the milk solids from the ghee. Place a strainer on a bowl and strain the clarified butter.
In the below picture you can see that the milk solids are left behind in the strainer.
Nice golden colored clarified butter is ready. You can store this homemade ghee in a container. It remains fresh for months.
Making Ghee from Butter at Home
- Unsalted butter : 500 grams
- Take a heavy bottom sauce pan and put the unsalted butter in it.
- Heat the pan on low flame until butter melts completely.
- Once the butter melts, set the flame to medium and stirring it gently from time to time.
- After some time you can see a thick, white foam start to form at the surface. At this point, your butter will be bright yellow and opaque.
- Next stage you can see the bubble coming from the thick foam. Slowly the bubble will increase and the foam will start to decrease gradually and the bubble get bigger and clear.
- Then the milk solids will start to curdle and start settling at the bottom. You will notice that your butter is beginning to clear up. It will get more and more translucent.
- Then you can see that foam will completely disappear and the butter will take a nice golden color and the milk solids settles at the bottom and begin to brown.
- Keep a close eye on your butter and keep stirring, scraping the sides and bottom so the milk solids don't attach to the pan and burn.
- Finally when the butter is ready you should see bright gold in color and there should be reddish brown pieces of milk solids at the bottom of the pan.
- Then the butter is ready to strain the milk solids from the ghee.
- Our home made butter is ready and can be filled in jar.
I tried this method of making ghee from unsalted clarified butter. Results are awesome! Tada!!! I now have homemade ghee. Instructions are very clear and pictures helped me a lot. This is my first try on making ghee and I would say its success. Thanks so much for the receipe!
Glad to know that my recipe helped you to make Ghee.
Thank you very much. I got nice ghee
Great instructions! Love the step by step pictures; allowed me to make sure I did it correctly! Also, the process smells wonderful! Thank you very much!
Thank you so much for the very detailed recipe and pictures… I followed this and I just made ghee for the first time in my life..and it actually came out well… so thank you very much đź‘Ťđź‘Ť
Hi! I bought Cultured butter, will this recipe work the same way?
This is the best experience I’ve had in making gi easy right to the point my gig came out wonderful thank you so very [email protected]
Hi. I did using this method. It came out really good. Thanks. What can we do with the milk solids remains?
Thanks, pictures are helpful! I sprinkle a dash of salt so it tastes like so it has grainy texture like my mom’s tup.
Thanks so much! Knew there was more to it than melting butter , but didn’t know how long to “cook “ This was excellent!